Dear customers,
on the market, there are various imitations of our engines, even with the counterfeit Nicolini & C. brand. This is a sign that our products represent a market reference, especially in the high-pressure world: "hollow shaft" engines and, above all, "double flange" engines.
Beyond the inconvenience, imitation is a form of flattery: it confirms that our products are unanimously recognized as industry models, that our choices have been visionary, and they set the market's direction. Therefore, we remind customers who wish to remain competitive and excel, how crucial it is to partner with those who possess know-how, planning, and original vision.
To ensure performance, reliability, and safety, both for standard engines and customized ones, careful design, selected components tested over decades, along with advanced production technologies and processes are necessary. This is what we do in our unique plant in Italy, driven by the goal of always providing you with original and high-performing solutions, making you undisputed leaders.
Original Nicolini & C. Electric Motors are available only through authorized channels.
Our warmest regards
Nicolini & C.
Amsterdam May 14th - 17th, 2024